The Cobalt Weekly

#65: Poetry by Joddy Murray


No grass is as rooted as Bermuda

with its beard of roots mingling

like sentences in the filth of clarity.

No song has as deep regrets as anthems

trumpeted off of rock-face scabs, plucky

decay that this day sounds as dim as sugar.

You greet whatever rain comes with a smirk,

the kind anybody who steals knows is laughter.

When gravitational waves rub up against

goat cheese pie, when odors I’ve composed

meet the gravel and rickshaw syllables of praise,

you will find another way to build shadows

against my skin, even peppered as it is with age.


Joddy Murray’s chapbook, Anaphora, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2020. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in over 70 journals, including, most recently, The Adirondack Review, Caliban Online, The Cape Rock, Crack the Spine and Diverse Voices Quarterly. He currently teaches writing and rhetoric in Fort Worth, Texas.